Are you ready to stop letting fear paralyze and manage your life?

Hello, I'm Carolyn Davis

I know firsthand what it’s like to be captive to pain. Growing up, I often felt rejected and unloved by some who were supposed to love me. To gain their love and approval, I became a classic “people-pleaser.” This approach to life never worked to give me the acceptance that I thought I so desperately needed. Instead, it seemed to deepen the pain and perceived need.

Now I can say that I’m finally free, thanks to God’s loving deliverance! He taught me how to turn from my quest to please others toward a free and exciting life in Him.

Whatever the specific source of pain, I’ve been serving God by helping many others break free.

Carolyn Jean Davis is the founder and CEO of Excited Free Living, LLC, an organization that serves people who seek to become unchained from the bondage of pain. She lives in Chicago with her husband of 40 years, Keith. They have two adult sons.

6 Steps to Freedom Process

From Bondage & Pain to Freedom Unchained

Are you ready to become a Chain Breaker?

S.R.U.T.A.L., the process outlined in the Squeezed to Please Journey Coaching Program, is a personal journey to breaking free from the chains of people-pleasing one link at a time. It is a unique and proven process with six steps. Each step is a link in a chain that God helps you to break to experience freedom. One must work through each step for this process to work.

S.R.U.T.A.L. stands for Shift, Remove, Uncover, Transform, Align, and Live. It is the first letter of the first word for each of the six steps outlined in my book “Squeezed to Please.”

This six-step process leads to permanent change from inside out and freedom from bondage. These steps can be applied to any captivity; however, the focus here is specifically on breaking free from the bondage of the need to please people when squeezed.

Squeezed to Please:

6 Steps to Quit People-Pleasing and Find Freedom in Christ

Pain has a way of squeezing us and bringing what is inside us to the outside. Have you ever been squeezed? What comes out of you? How do you respond to life's squeezes? Do you want to deal with what squeezes you God's way? This book is for you.

Everybody has pain, but not everybody goes to God to deal with it. Instead, we run to unfulfilling or enslaving things to escape the pain. Carolyn can testify to this truth. Life squeezed her, and what came out of her was people-pleasing and living for approval to escape the pain of rejection. God set her free and now uses her experience to set others free.

Squeezed to Please Mastermind

Let Us Move from Bondage & Pain to Freedom Unchained, so We Can Live & Serve Excitedly Free.

CHAIN BREAKERS: I kept trying to deal with pain on my own, in my strength and my way, so I stayed stuck in my pain. Finally, I grew tired of being in pain but remained stuck. WHY? I trusted myself and not God to deal with my pain. I kept trying to deal with my pain my way instead of God's way. As a result, I lived to please people, ate to stuff my pain, had mother-daughter issues, and was paralyzed by the fear of man. God delivered me from all of that and some. In my mastermind and other programs, I use the step-by-step freedom processes God used for me, and now, I use them to help others move from their bondage to freedom so they can live and serve excitedly.

  • PEOPLE PLEASERS: Experience the freedom from the chains of people-pleasing and rediscover the joy and peace that accompany living in your authentic, confident self in Christ.

  • MOMS & DAUGHTERS: Embrace freedom in Christ by letting go of rejection and unforgiveness, mending your mother-daughter relationship, and allowing Christlike love to flourish between you both.

  • EMOTIONAL BAGGAGE CARRIERS: Empower yourself to break free from the fear of man, confront and overcome its grip, and live a fulfilling and victorious Christlike life to the glory of God.

  • EMOTIONAL EATERS: Expose your inner struggle with food and weight, break free from the cycle of using food to cope with pain, shed unwanted pounds, release long-held emotional baggage, and walk in Christ's freedom.

Bring Carolyn to Your Event

Conferences, Workshops, and Private Events

Carolyn is a passionate, energetic, inspiring, and knowledgeable speaker. She connects with her audiences, uplifts them and is helping them break the chains of their pain and live life excited and free.

Speaking/Counseling Experience:

  • Instructor for the National Baptist Congress of Christian Education of the National Baptist Convention USA, Inc. since 2010

  • Certified Instructor under the Sunday School Publishing Board of the National Baptist Convention USA, Inc. since 2011

  • On Faculty for the Chicago Baptist Institute International in Chicago, Illinois, since 2013

  • Sunday School teacher since 1998

  • Counseling since 2003

  • Certified Biblical Counselor since 2004

  • Speaker to women at their fellowship meetings, women's day services, and conferences/retreats since 2000

Squeezing Moments Talkshow

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