Squeezed to Please Mastermind

Let us move from bondage & pain to freedom unchained, so we can live & serve excitedly free.

Learn to elevate your life & business spiritually, abundantly, and energetically for the kingdom

If you’ve landed on this page, you’re an entrepreneur ready for more. You might have a practice that isn't bringing God the Glory you'd expected or maybe you're not reaching the clients you feel He is calling you to.

You might feel called...

but still wonder how that relates to your online business. How money and ministry work, and how to truly elevate past the things holding you back from great success. If so I'm here to tell you...


“So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.”

-John 8:36

In the

Squeezed to Please Mastermind

We’re about elevating your business God's way.


You could advance the kingdom through God-partnered influence, impact, and income, with loads of support and individual coaching to get you there.


See If Any Of This Resonates With You....

You’re Worn-out: You've given so much to your work, knowing it is what God wants you to do but you're beginning to wear out. Your sleep, weight, and over all health is starting to weaken. Even more disheartening - it's before seeing the fruit of your labor.

You’re Lacking Clarity: You want to help more of your sisters and brothers, so you keep on doing more and more... but you lack clarity which results in you doing too many things versus doing just one or two things REALLY WELL.

You're Feeling Disillusioned: You’ve worked so hard to get to your current level, you've invested so much. Yet, the 'story of the talents' doesn't seem to be blessing you back 10 fold. You might even be doubting yourself, God, or the call He has on your life.

You’re Defeated: You’re social groups seem to be getting less engagement than ever, your email list isn't converting, and the self-limiting thoughts keep trying to plague you.

You’ve Reached Your Technical Skill Limit: It's time to clean up your systems and next-level but the truth is you'd have done it if you knew how. It's time to get a team or tech help but how can I ask or teach the team to do something I need help to do?

You Know You Need Help But Don't Know Who To Trust: Your business is growing, you'd like to hire from a reputable source, but you've been burnt too many times. This is keeping you from growing.

If you answered yes to any of the above... Your ready to find your Sweetspot!

We're here to help you elevate your work and life.



Squeezed to Please Mastermind


for Kingdom Influence, Impact, and Income

SQUEEZED TO PLEASE MASTERMIND will give you the freedom to work wiser, not harder, by implementing

God-partnered strategies into your life and business...

And we'll help you every step of the way!

All of this is Possible with the Sweetspot Mastermind

  • You Have A Clear Path: You receive your Sweetspot Business Strategy that is uniquely partnered with God and the call He has on your life that you and others cannot miss. (Matthew 5:14)

  • You Now Invest Your Talent For Kingdom Growth: Here you find influence, impact, and income far greater than you ever imagined. (Matthew 25:14–30)

  • You Are Restored, Rested, And Regenerated: You now have a team that we train to your platforms so you can embrace the freedoms of successful entrepreneurs. (Matthew 11:28-30)

  • You Are Seen And Heard: You are a light on a hill that others are drawn to. Through you they hear Him calling them to into a marvelous light . (1 Peter 2:9))

  • Your Confidence Is Ignited: With God all things are possible so learning how to do work and life God's way changes everything. YOUR DREAMING AND ACHIEVING reaches new heights. (Mark 10:27)

  • You're Fortitude Is Restored: You embrace new found faith and energy that only comes from 'Tapping into the Trinity©' (Mark 11:24)

  • You Go Forward and Grow BOLDLY: You are no longer held back by scarcity, self-worth or limiting beliefs, overcoming things of this world that once held you back (John 16:33)

  • You Can Become A Certified Legacy Coach: Some entrepreneurs feel called to transform lives with God's help but do not desire to develop their own programs for healing, growing, and success which is why I offer training and certification on my Legacy Series Coaching Programs. (Matthew 28:19,20)

Hi there I'm Carolyn,

Transform your life, home, work, and community…

I am a Certified Life Coach with a passion for helping others reach life fulfillment and live healthy, complete, and balanced lives that are prosperous and faith-infused. I understand the dilemma of striving to be great in one area of your life at the cost of another. True peace and contentment come from finding a healthy balance in all areas of your life, with faith as the foundation.

My company name, Fulfill Your Legacy, came to me before I had even become certified.

It is an example of how I live my life at work, at home, and in my faith. The concept, Fulfill Your Legacy, is built around the understanding that we are creating our legacies every day, every second, everywhere we go, and with everyone we encounter. There is a bit of future to that… our legacies are not over yet! We are alive! We are still here on earth with loads of opportunities to make a difference, not just our own life, but in the lives of all those we are blessed to be with.

It wasn’t too long into my coaching when I realized many of them had callings on their lives and would want help stepping in, which became my business coaching program… LAUNCH YOUR LEGACY.

What Will You Learn?

Inside the Mastermind You Will Learn:

  • Multiple sales strategies that serve. No longer depending on paid social advertising.

  • Clients who will stay and grow with you.

  • Technical support for you and your team.

  • Hiring assistance and training.

  • To write, complete, and market your book.

  • Shared copy, funnels, and templates to smooth and next-level your processes.

  • Faith-based support and training to gracefully push and support your growth.

  • Work in your Sweetspot... with a strategic business plan that includes your unique offer, proprietary systems, branding, and products.

  • Live in your Sweetspot... with faith-based life skills that support your health & wellness, spiritual fortitude, and entrepreneurial stamina.

  • How to embrace you new found finances and freedom to elevate you, your clients, and the kingdom.


Doing your faith-based practice God’s is not just possible … It's doing what is otherwise impossible. I know because I’ve done it and continue to stay in this SWEETSPOT because it works!

The Support You Need to _____!

  • NO SOLDIER LEFT BEHIND: Live 1-on-1 coaching and strategy calls specific to YOUR practice from CEO every two weeks. Topics range from product development, business growth, marketing, team building, funnel, and sales training... even personal, health, and spiritual growth challenges that have held you back.

  • TECHNICAL SUPPORT: Live 1-on-1 tech support every other week helping you to clean up, refine, and next-level your campaigning.

  • SPIRITUAL GROWTH & SUPPORT: Starting an online business with our own grit is possible but you want more than the 'possible'. We meet daily and weekly (optional) for spiritual growth through the Word and in my 4 part discipleship program, inner healing program, with a partnered family therapist who will coach us to get unstuck and to keep on OVERcoming.

  • HEALTH COACHING: We've seen it all the time with passionate faith-based entrepreneurs... giving it their all. However, not at the cost of the call God has on your life. We are here to help you stay strong. Partnered with an amazing coach we give you 'Your Body Is A Temple' health coaching that all entrepreneurs need.

  • BECOME A CERTIFIED LIFE COACH: I know the importance of us being equipped as coaches and not every author, coach, speaker that God's called has a book or coaching program built into them. God did set into me a powerful life and home coaching program that I share with my entrepreneurs so they can get up and running as a coach, becoming a Certified Legacy Coach.

  • PARTNERING: I know the importance of partnering and how to do it so both parties win. We help you find, nurture, and step into partnerships that help you next-level organically.

  • WRITING WARRIOR: So many of our business leaders are writers and we want their writing to keep them growing and reaching a greater audience. We've partnered with a writer coach for your next book, gaining you access to her full program while in our mastermind.

  • GET PUBLISHED: If you have a book in you or you want to get published this is our hugest bonus, we have partnered with Reachout Publsihng and we help you build, market and publish your book branded around your business.

  • PROMOTION: Maybe you have a great company but you are new on the scene and people just don't know you. We give you a SWEETSPOT on our talkshow, magazine, conference, and other events to get you the exposure and bigger reach you need.

  • TOOLS FOR FAST AND COMPREHENSIVE ACTION: I've never liked scarcity and love to share. Wiping out so much stress and wasted time, we share our funnels, done-for-you templates, campaigns, marketing tools, and sequences - also teaching you how to brand them appropriately for your sweet audience.

  • PRIVATE COMMUNITY FOR DAILY SUPPORT: Too often entrepreneurs and even more prevalent faith-based entrepreneurs feel like they are alone on an island, not in our SWEET community. With our 24/7 support team, weekly support calls, and services you get like-minded gracious nudging and help.

  • TRAINING CENTER: Weekly LIVE life and business training. PLUS, it's put into our vault of over 150 lessons to refer to and learn from. We direct you to training you need right out of your 1-on-1 weekly sessions and you can also go in and take the training you want.

With EVERYTHING You're Getting…


  • Market your uniquely designed product without paid advertising.

  • Share your gifts, talents, and calling with 'the right' audience for increased clients who love and need your services.

  • Increase your influence, impact and income within the Kingdom... with God's help.

  • Avoid overwhelm, fatigue, and life balance struggles as you grow your business wisely and with the team designed for you.

  • Implement and scale YOUR SWEETSPOT strategy that has turned dozens of six-figure entrepreneurs into multi-millionaires.


Squeezed to Please Mastermind


for Kingdom Influence, Impact, and Income

SQUEEZED TO PLEASE MASTERMIND will give you the freedom to work wiser, not harder, by implementing

God-partnered strategies into your life and business...

And we'll help you every step of the way!


  • Successful entrepreneurs ready to next level.

  • Those in need of hiring staff.

  • Those whose funnels are broken and you need to clean them up but don't know how.

  • If you're sick of being the jack of all trades master of none.

  • If you've outgrown of your level of technical skills.


  • Anyone intent on keeping their business and life just as it is.

  • People not ready to challenge the belief of Faith-based leaders should not be paid.

  • People content on the daily grind with no Sabbath-style success (God's glory & abundance).

  • Anyone who feels a team of support and wise counsel is unnecessary.


Squeezed to Please Mastermind


for Kingdom Influence, Impact, and Income

SQUEEZED TO PLEASE MASTERMIND will give you the freedom to work wiser, not harder, by implementing

God-partnered strategies into your life and business...

And we'll help you every step of the way!